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上村松生、高橋大輔、南杏鶴、河村幸男 (2014).
日本植物学会第78回大会 (東京)

河野達也、澤田晃佑、飯野敬矩、三木雄史、高橋大輔、河村幸男、上村松生、細川陽一郎 (2014).
第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (札幌).

Takahashi D, Tominaga Y, Kawamura Y, Uemura M (2014).
A cold acclimation-responsive glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein (GPI-AP) influences the acquisition of freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis. 10th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar (Poznan, Poland).
Selected as an oral presentation

Willick I R, Takahashi D, Uemura M, Fowler D B, Tanino K K, (2014).
Tissue specific physiological and proteomic analysis of cold acclimation in the cell walls of winter wheat Triticum aestivum L. crown tissue.
10th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar (Poznan, Poland).
Best Poster Presentation Award 受賞

Imai H, Kawamura Y, Nagatani A, Uemura M (2014).
Light quality effects on plant cold acclimation
10th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar (Poznan, Poland).

Hiraki Y, Uemura M, Kawamura Y (2014).
Low-Temperature Sensing of Plant Cells and the Dynamics of Cytoplasmic Calucium
10th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar (Poznan, Poland).
Best Poster Presentation Award 受賞

Takahashi D (2014).
Proteomic approaches reveal diversified responses of GPI-anchored proteins to cold acclimation in Arabidopsis.
Estación Experimental del Zaidín CSIC Seminar (Granada, Spain).
Invited Talk

Takahashi D (2014).
A cold acclimation-responsive glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein (GPI-AP) influences the acquisition of freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis.
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology Seminar (Potsdam, Germany).
Invited Talk

今井裕之、河村幸男、長谷あきら、上村松生 (2014).
第59回低温生物工学会年会 (福岡)

開勇人、上村松生、河村幸男 (2014).
第59回低温生物工学会年会 (福岡)

Takahashi D, Tominaga Y, Kawamura Y and Uemura M (2014).
Proteomic approaches reveal diversified responses of GPI-anchored proteins to cold acclimation in Arabidopsis.
The 6th International Symposium on Frontiers in Agriculture Proteome Research (Harbin, China)
Best Talk Award 受賞

Uemura M, Takahashi D, Nakayama T, Miki Y, Kawamura Y (2014).
Plasma membrane proteome dynamically and strategically responds to cold acclimation in plants.
The 6th International Symposium on Frontiers in Agriculture Proteome Research (Harbin, China) Invited Talk

Takahashi D, Tominaga Y, Kawamura Y, Uemura M (2014).
Compositional and Functional Analyses of Glyco-sylphosphatidylinositol-anchored Protein (GPI-AP) During Plant Cold Acclimation.
World Forum on Biology Joint Meeting of the Society for In Vitro Biology (SIVB) and Society for Cryobiology (SfC)
(Savannah, GA, USA).
Student Travel Award, John K. Critser Student Travel Award, Peter L. Steponkus Crystal Award 受賞

高橋大輔、冨永陽子、河村幸男、上村松生 (2014).
第55回日本植物生理学会 (富山)

林秀洋、村井(羽田野)真理、石川(櫻井)淳子 (2014).
第55回日本植物生理学会 (富山)

Takato Nakayama, Daisuke Takahashi, Yukio Kawamura, Matsuo Uemura (2014).
Cold acclimation of A Novel Model Grass Species Brachypodium distachyon.
第55回日本植物生理学会 (富山)

今井裕之、河村幸男、長谷あきら、上村松生 (2014).
第55回日本植物生理学会 (富山)

三木雄史、竹林裕美子、高橋大輔、河村幸男、中神弘史、上村松生 (2014).
第55回日本植物生理学会 (富山)

開勇人、上村松生、河村幸男 (2014).
第55回日本植物生理学会 (富山)

大西美輪、角浜憲明、高橋大輔、七篠千津子、石崎幸庸、深城英弘、上村松生、鈴木祥弘、三村徹郎 (2014).
第55回日本植物生理学会 (富山)

Tsuneo Kuwagata, Mari Murai-Hatano, Junko Ishikawa-Sakurai, Hidehiro Hayashi (2014).
Environmental response of aquaporin expressions in the rice roots under natural weather conditions.
第55回日本植物生理学会 (富山)

南杏鶴、中村英、高橋大輔、井上晋一郎、高橋宏二、上村松生、木下俊則 (2014).
第55回日本植物生理学会 (富山)

村井(羽田野)真理、桑形恒男、石川(櫻井)淳子、 林秀洋 (2014).
第55回日本植物生理学会 (富山)
